We Build Technology To Make Missions Giving Better
As an entrepreneur Lee spent over three decades building businesses that required solutions to streamline complex business transactions. As a man of faith, Lee and his family have funded hundreds of missions projects and started a non-profit to combat human trafficking in the U.S. Through this business and social entrepreneurship and his committed church involvement, Lee experienced firsthand the gap between funders and receivers. The need and the method. How complicated it can be to raise money for a worthy cause and how time-consuming it is for missions organizations to keep their donors updated. Thus, resulting in millions of dollars lost or untapped.
After a missions trip to Africa, Lee dreamed up a software solution that would eliminate pain points and streamline efforts so that more causes can be funded and more givers can see their ROI. m360, an unprecedented solution, is on a mission to make generosity easier and impact greater.
IF we can connect funders and receivers with a 360 viewpoint and they can share reports of impact in real time, we can build trust with givers to not only keep but also increase giving.
We hope you’ll join the hundreds of churches that are on-boarding to change the way they manage their missions funding. Don’t be left behind!